Fall 2021 Umpqua Wealth Planning Newsletter

As the economy opens up, what does our future look like?
As the economy was opening back up in-full, reinforced mask mandates have swept the nation as the number of new cases of COVID-19 and the Delta variant has continued to rise. Although there are reasons to remain optimistic, what do these developments mean for our economy, for your wealth plan, and for your family?
State of the Union: A Review of the Interest Rate Environment
In what has been more than a year of seemingly constant fluctuations to every corner of our daily lives, it appears that one thing, at least, is here to stay: low interest rates.
Click the link to the full newsletter to find out what you should pay attention to as an investor and as a borrower as the low interest rate environment persists.
FYI: For Your Inflation
When the economy gets hot, what’s the potential of getting burned? A hot economy is a perfect breeding ground for inflation, and in a world yearning to be past the pandemic, inflationary pressures are heightened. Click below to learn more about how these conditions could affect your personal financial plan.
Potential Tax Law Changes on the Horizon
As we’ve seen in decades past, a new presidential administration can bring about all types of changes. However, there’s one we’re keeping a particularly keen eye on as it relates to you and the rest of our clients: tax policy. We outline the potential tax law changes in Biden’s administration and discuss how you could be affected by them.
13 Connected Wealth Conversations: Banking & Credit Management
Beyond purchasing a house or refinancing your mortgage, how have you optimized your complete balance sheet? Yes, this includes your debt. We do a deep dive into one of our 13 Connected Wealth Conversations, drawing your focus to the conversations you should be having with your financial professionals at Umpqua.
Family Ties: Your Kids and COVID
How many times did your kids or grandchildren hear the word “no” in the past 18 months? Early in 2020, as the government and businesses experienced severe economic disruptions, family life in all kinds of households also took a hit. Reflect with us about how your values changed during the pandemic, and consider what kinds of conversations you should have with your kids moving forward.
Download the Umpqua Wealth Planning Fall 2021 newsletter.